Exiftool commands magic lantern
Exiftool commands magic lantern

If you find something let me know.Warning this is a longer and more detailed post than usual! Stopped trying and banging my head on it. Same problem here, did you find any workaround? I did this exact thing in 2014 (per terminal history), and I'm pretty sure it worked then. But in Finder the result is that all the dates are changed to today at the time I ran the command. Since I just needed to move the dates up one year (wrong clock setup on camera) this did the wanted result:Įxiftool '-AllDates+=1:0:0 0' '-FileModifyDate+=1:0:0 0' '-FileCreateDate+=1:0:0 0' DIRĪnyone try time shifting recently? I just (re)downloaded exiftool to my mac and used exiftool "-AllDates+=1:0:0 0" DIR to fix my photos (shift from 2019 to 2020 since I didn't set my camera earlier this year). Odds are the tag that changed is not EXIF but the file system dates, FileModifyDate or FileCreateDate. "The AllDates only affects three tags, DateTimeOriginal, CreateDate, and ModifyDate.

  • - Added line for copying photos into organized photos.
  • - Adding new recursive command to rename JPG to jpg.
  • - added line on how to set a date for a particular photo(s).
  • - added line to rename files based on milliseconds.
  • - added command to create comments from a filename.
  • > out.kmlĬreate CSV of Geo Information exiftool -csv -filename -imagesize -gps:GPSLatitude -gps:GPSLongitude. you can use the flag -n to turn all values to numbersĮxiftool -n -r -q -p $DESKTOP/kml-placemark.fmt. I was parsing an iPhoto library where there were thumbnails.

    exiftool commands magic lantern

    I have mine set as a global variableįILECOUNT=$(mdfind -count -onlyin "$DROPBOX_PERSONAL" 'kMDItemKind ="JPEG image"')Įxiftool -q -if '(not $datetimeoriginal or ($datetimeoriginal eq "0000:00:00 00:00:00"))' -csv -common "$n" | sed 1d > "$DROPBOX_PERSONAL/nodates.csv"ĭone 300000' '-Directory 300000' gets files that are over 300kB. Note this can take a long time if you have a lot of jpgs # You'll need to set your Dropbox folder path. #Output photos that don't have datetimeoriginal to a CSV# Last updated: Searching for Files Find images in a directory that don't have a DateTimeOriginal exiftool -filename -filemodifydate -createdate -r -if '(not $datetimeoriginal) and $filetype eq "JPEG"'.

    Exiftool commands magic lantern